Education & Health Background

Urban air pollution is among the world’s leading killers and is the leading environmental cause of morbidity and death. And yet, we let it into our homes, schools and offices every single day - where its impact is even more dangerous.

The sources of air pollution are various. Air Pollution spreads all around the city. In fact, when we breathe air anywhere in the city, we also breathe in air pollution.


Air pollution is responsible for more than 103 million disability adjusted life-years per year.

Air pollution causes 7 million deaths every year – 12% of all deaths worldwide!

 6 times more than all road accidents fatalities.

11.5 times more than all the casualties of all wars and violent incidents.

The Air Pollution Inside Buildings

Inside Buildings the air pollution problem is even worse

The indoor exposure to air pollution is up to 14 times more significant than the exposure outdoors pollution (i.e. promoting premature death)
• People spend about 90% of their time indoors, making the indoor exposure to urban air pollution predominant.
• The ventilation system in buildings constantly pump the outdoor air into the building.
• Many pollutants accumulate inside the building (through sinking / adsorption / affinity etc.). Pollutants such as NOx, which quickly decompose in the outdoors sunlight, survive much longer indoors.
• Indoor air suffer from additional pollution which comes from indoor sources.

Even the best air filtration and purification systems - such as the once that includes mechanical and active carbon filters, negative ion and ozone generators - are ineffective against common urban pollutants.
That is because the most toxic gaseous components of the air pollution are among the smallest known molecules in existence and about the same size as the natural components of air itself. most types of the urban pollution molecules can fit within the volume of a single bacterium 1,000,000,000,000 times, and within the volume of a 0.3µm diameter particle 1,000,000,000 times !
The width area of a single pore in the most advanced filters is about half a MILLION times bigger than the surface area of the most common urban air pollution molecules.

Air Pollution Effects

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scientific articles

Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor.

Health Problem Bottom line Source Journal Institute Pollutant Year Access
Health Problem no 2. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic yes test Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. hello 2017 download article download article
Health Problem no 2. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic yes test Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. hello 2017 external link external link
lirona Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 333 2018 download article download article
lirona Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 333 2018 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 download article download article
Health Problem no 2. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic yes test Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. hello 2017 external link external link
lirona Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 333 2018 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016 external link external link
lirona Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 333 2018 download article download article
Health Problem no 1. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. 2016
Health Problem no 2. Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. Journals Oxford- Academic yes test Sed volutpat nisi id tortor blandit, vel condimentum arcu pellentesque. Pellentesque efficitur, lorem id auctor. hello 2017 external link external link